Mental health and wellbeing measures
There are a range of mental health and wellbeing measures that schools can use to understand what is driving good and poor mental health amongst staff, in addition to understanding the type of support staff need.
Below we have provided inks to guidance on suggested measures you might want to use as part of your staff wellbeing survey. We have also included links to existing frameworks, so that you don’t have to start from scratch.
School wellbeing measures
Example staff wellbeing survey - Governors for schools
Governors for Schools is a national education charity that finds, places, and supports volunteers as governors on school and academy boards. This resource provides a good example of what schools can include in their staff wellbeing survey.
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Example staff wellbeing survey - Governors for schools
Wellbeing Measurement for Schools Staff Survey - Anna Freud
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children's charity dedicated to providing training & support for child mental health services. This document provides sets of questions to help schools and colleges better understand their staff and provide them with the support they need. It includes tools that can be used to measure wellbeing robustly and consistently.
Taking stock of mental health in your workplace - Mind Charity
This resource has been developed by Mind Charity and provides useful tips on how to take stock of mental health within the workplace.
Workplace wellbeing question bank - What Works Wellbeing
What Works Wellbeing are an independent collaborating centre that develops and shares robust and accessible wellbeing evidence to improve decision making. They have provided this useful question bank, which can be used as a starting point by schools.
Existing indexes and frameworks
Workplace Wellbeing Index - Mind Charity
A benchmark of best policy and practice
The Inside Out Charter - Inside Out
A commitment from senior leadership